Friday 1 February 2013

It's taken me 20 years...

So it's taken me 20 years to realise that not everyone is going to be your friend; you just can't please everyone!

I'm sorry to say, I a major people-pleaser, always worrying about how others perceive me rather then focusing on just liking myself. Insecurity has always been my climbing wall in life; Just when I think I'm climbing to the top, I get knocked back down again. I'm not entirely sure the reasons behind my insecurity, as I was never bullied and luckily I've always had a good group of friends and family around me. But growing up in a decade completely obsessed with the fat/thin, fake/real and tanned/pale dilemmas, every girl is bound to have her insecurities.

But anyway back to topic. My insecurities have made me so persistent to be liked by everyone! I was always the person trying to friends with the 'cool kids' back in school which as a result made my forget about the ones who were true friends. Coming to University has made me realize that every one is different and not every pair or personalities match!

It's made me thankful for those that are there for me. Even at Uni, when I am part of a group that I am nothing like, I have my individuality which fits so well and makes me closer to the girls! However being around a particular  person in the last year has highlighted that I can't ge along with everyone.

I have tried and tried to be as nice as I can to a so-called 'friend' but when you are consistanly let down, it wears you thin after a while and I lose patience. I've spent the last year working so hard to ensure our friendship remained but after getting no 'friend' in return, it's taught me to not let myself be 'used' and just move on. 

I'm moving on from people who don't show respect in return. I am not saying I won't be there, because I will; at the end of the day I'm still a reliable person and a friend. My tolerance levels just won't be as extensive as before.

I am blessed to have the most amazing friends and 'acquaintances' and the last year has verified those that I plan to hold on to and those that I can slowly walk away from...

A bit of a deep blog post tonight but I feel it was needed! 

Much Love



Thursday 10 January 2013


Couldn't resist but wear one of my new tops today. Hoping it will bring me luck as I attempt to hit the library and get my work done! Sorry for poor quality.. had to take these in my messy room on webcam as camera is with my brother who is away and didn't want to not show you my OOTD ;)

Miss Selfridge Black Skater Skirt
New Look Lucky Print T-shirt
H&M Leather Jacket
Vintage Scarf

Let me know your thoughts. 

Much Love

SGIC <3 


Wednesday 9 January 2013

Let off my leash...

FINALLY... I have been let of my University Leash and set free to the shopping centre!

Due to a heavy amount of Uni work and Dissertation (ergh), I haven't had much free time and since Christmas I've barely had the time to hit the shops.

Now I'm not one for Sales and tend to wait a few day before going shopping after Boxing day but this year it was a whole 2 weeks! I popped into the local shopping centre and if I'm honest I was a bit let down with the selection.

The sale is coming to an end but the shops still look like a bombs hit them with clothes everywhere and anywhere. I don't even bother looking on the Sales racks anymore as they are either left over clothes from 2002 or recent clothes but only seem to have size 18 left! 

So I can't say I had the best shopping trip but I did manage to grab a few nifty pieces along with some new make-up. I thought I would try new brands of make-up and went for the slightly budgeted brand of collection 2000 whom seem to have worked hard to build upon their brand offering budget make-up. I'm going to give them a try and will get back to you on what I think. I also treated myself to a new maybelline Lipstick so keep an eye out for a blog on that too!

New Make-up :)
I brough a top in H&M, a top from New look as well as a heavy Cardi and shirt from New Look too.
My new purchases..
I won't talk too much about these now but I'm sure you will see these crop up in the next few days in my outfits!

Much Love



Thursday 27 December 2012

I'm one very spoilt girl...

Now I'm not one for going against my word so like I said, here are my Xmas goodies that I am so grateful to have received from my Family. First up my beautiful new handbag!!

I completely fell in love with this when I saw it! Its a Brown Satchel-styles bag from Karen Millen.
 Now, I've never been one for designer clothing however I am a sucker when it comes to Handbags! I absolutely adore this bag from my parents and can't wait to start using it. Its so versatile and will definitely be a key item in my work-wear outfits next year!!

Sorry for the poor quality photo! I've been strapped for time.

 Just when I thought nothing could beat the handbag, I got so many more amazing gifts including a Sushi-making class!! How amazing is that?!? Its a voucher for one session that will teach me all the basic skills for making Sushi and will also give me all the equipment I will need to begin making it. I'm so excited and cannot wait to start learning. 

The following are a few other gifts from friends and family that I was lucky to receive!

This cute ring is from Accessorize. I had seen it before Christmas and had fallen in love with its classic look.
How cute are these slippers?!?! They came in a beauty box from my family and just haven't taken them off since I got them!
Every girls needs ;) Ghost perfume (its a new one I haven't tried but it smells gorgeous), Revlon Primer and my Clarins Moisturizer. I will be doing blog posts about these later on so watch out for them!
So I was very lucky this Christmas as I've shown you in the pictures above showing a few of the things I received. 

I will be blogging in the future about the individual items but if there is anything you would like to know about the items above then please do get in contact.

Much Love



Tuesday 25 December 2012

And a Merry Crimbo to all your Bloggers...

Well, after all the stress and hectic runnings everywhere (hence the lack of posts), the 25th December has finally arrived which leaves me with only one thing to say...


I have already made my way through numerous servings of Christmas dinner and scrumaged through the Celebrations tin (I'll moan about the calories next week).

I was truly spoilt by my friends and family with all their kind gifts! I'm planning on doing a blog showing you my amazing presents over the next couple days once Christmas is over - sorry I haven't had a chance to snap all the pics today but I will leave you with one hint as to what my main present was... ;)

Right sorry for the shortness of this blog post but I just wanted to wish you and all your families, a peaceful and Happy Christmas... enjoy and be thankful for what you have and for those special ones around you!

I'm now being screamed at by my cousin, waiting for me to play 'Who's in the Bag'.

Much Love



P.S Could not finish this blog post without showing you how productive my Christmas Eve was...

Friday 30 November 2012

Yummy Turkey Curry!

I have to admit, I am not naturally gifted with skills in the kitchen however since coming to Uni, I've learnt so much! I have started experimenting and creating simple and cheap dinners that are perfect for us students...

Mum has always taught me from her amazing cooking skills however I have always found it hard to pick up..

The following recipe is a very basic curry recipe from mum. She taught me using Prawns however the other day when I was looking for something to cook, I thought of this but instead using turkey breast.

I always prefer turkey breasts as they are cheaper and healthier (supposedly)! This recipe is also fab for cooking in bulk and freezing so saves you cooker the next day/following week!

So here is go.. my very simple turkey curry...(for 1)

- Turkey Breast
- Patak's Mild Curry Paste
- 1 onion
- 1 garlic clove
- 150ml vegetable stock
- Tomato (chopped up)

- Cut the turkey breast into small chunks and fry in oil for a few minutes until cooked (I use the oil spray as its only a few calories which is amazing!)
- Once cooked, remove from pan. Fry the onions off until clear and add garlic.
- Add one table spoon of curry paste (or more if you like it spicier)
- Mix well before adding the stock
- Add turkey back to pan and leave to simmer for around 15 minutes until the sauce begins to thicken.
- Before removing from the heat, add the tomatos in and allow to warm through before serving the curry with rice. (I usually use brown as a healthier option).

Monday 19 November 2012

How casual is casual?

Throughout the summer, i couldn't even attempt to figure out how many tube journeys I made around London! Catching the 7.46 met line train even morning was like a recurring deja vu for me; smiling at the same people every morning while they attempted to try and remain standing and not fall into the armpit of the person next to them!

After my first week in my new role, I was beginning to get to grips with the travelling and day-to-day office life. Thursday afternoon came and I was getting ready to head home when my manager came to remind me that it was dress down day on the Friday! I nodded politely and then headed off to make the 6.02 train.

It was only when I woke up on the Friday morning that i panicked at what to wear. How 'dress-down' was dressed down day? I can't say I'd been overly smart in my previous days outfits; I always felt women just wore everyday outfits and then stuck on a blazer on top! I decided to wear my usual work outfit that day.

Getting on my usual train, I realised it was not just my firm that did dress-down Friday! All of my 'train buddies' seemed to be in jeans and polo tops. It got me thinking... How 'dress down' was dress down day?

I always feel men have a strong advantage in this area; a pair of chinos and a polo generally does the trick. But for women, there never seems much difference in a normal week day and on dress down day.

There was one women sat opposite me in trackies and a strap top. Surely she couldn't have been going to work?!? But she got off at embankment station with me and walked straight into the well-respected firm directly opposite mine.

Surely there has got to be some.limitations to outfits worn to work. Especially with client interaction.. What impression is it giving other people. Or if they are not bothered by it then is there really any point to dressing smartly for the rest of the week either?

Let me know your thoughts lovelies!

Am very sorry for my delayed post. I finally have free time on my hands and therefore am alive in the blogging world again!

Much Love

