Monday 19 November 2012

How casual is casual?

Throughout the summer, i couldn't even attempt to figure out how many tube journeys I made around London! Catching the 7.46 met line train even morning was like a recurring deja vu for me; smiling at the same people every morning while they attempted to try and remain standing and not fall into the armpit of the person next to them!

After my first week in my new role, I was beginning to get to grips with the travelling and day-to-day office life. Thursday afternoon came and I was getting ready to head home when my manager came to remind me that it was dress down day on the Friday! I nodded politely and then headed off to make the 6.02 train.

It was only when I woke up on the Friday morning that i panicked at what to wear. How 'dress-down' was dressed down day? I can't say I'd been overly smart in my previous days outfits; I always felt women just wore everyday outfits and then stuck on a blazer on top! I decided to wear my usual work outfit that day.

Getting on my usual train, I realised it was not just my firm that did dress-down Friday! All of my 'train buddies' seemed to be in jeans and polo tops. It got me thinking... How 'dress down' was dress down day?

I always feel men have a strong advantage in this area; a pair of chinos and a polo generally does the trick. But for women, there never seems much difference in a normal week day and on dress down day.

There was one women sat opposite me in trackies and a strap top. Surely she couldn't have been going to work?!? But she got off at embankment station with me and walked straight into the well-respected firm directly opposite mine.

Surely there has got to be some.limitations to outfits worn to work. Especially with client interaction.. What impression is it giving other people. Or if they are not bothered by it then is there really any point to dressing smartly for the rest of the week either?

Let me know your thoughts lovelies!

Am very sorry for my delayed post. I finally have free time on my hands and therefore am alive in the blogging world again!

Much Love



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